Best Summer Fruits to Import from Turkey

Summer is a season when the weather in the northern hemisphere gets warmer and agricultural activities intensify, especially in the mid-rail countries. The optimum temperature in the summer months provides a suitable environment for the growth of many fruits. The leaves and flowers bloom in the spring, and the trees begin to bear fruit in the summer. Since fruits of all colors are grown in the summer season, you can consume any fruit you want according to your preferences. Due to its geographical location, Turkey has lands that are extremely suitable for fruit growing. So, what are the fruits you can import from Turkey in the summer?
What are the Main Characteristics of Summer Fruits?
The most basic features of the fruits grown in the summer months are that they are juicy and have a cooling effect. During the summer, the human body loses a lot of water, salt, and minerals through perspiration. Thanks to the juicy summer fruits, people prevent possible health problems by getting hydrated. Summer fruits also come to the fore with their fibrous structure, edema-relieving, and skin-renewing properties. Therefore, consuming summer fruits seasonably, when they attract you with their smells and tastes, is very beneficial for your health and your budget.
Where Does Turkey Stand on Fruit Export Data?
Despite the ongoing global impact of covid-19, Turkey has managed to increase its fruit exports in recent years. Turkey, which exports 2 billion 729 million dollars of fresh fruits and vegetables in 2020, recorded an increase of 13% in 2021. In 2021, fruit exports increased by 16% compared to the previous year and reached the level of 1 billion 252 million dollars. In the January-April period of 2022, fresh fruit and vegetable exports amounted to 972.7 million dollars. It is expected that the number of fruits to be exported will increase with the summer months. In turn, the export figures are expected to exceed the previous year.
Summer Fruits You Can Import from Turkey
Although the fruits grown in summer are generally red fruits, green, orange, and yellow fruits are also grown. Summer fruits that blossom on the ground and trees are generally fragrant and soft. Fruits such as watermelon and melons grow on the ground, while green plums, cherries, apricots, figs, pears, and grapes grow on trees.
The first fruit associated with the summer season is watermelon. Watermelon, mostly water, weighs about 5-20 kg. Watermelon has lots of seeds in the inner part and green and hard outer shell. Turkey is one of the most important watermelon producers in the world and exports watermelons, especially to Russia and European countries. Watermelon is a good source of antioxidants as well as vitamins A and C.
Just like watermelon, melon is a fruit that grows on the ground and has stones. With a thinner and smaller rind than watermelon, melon attracts attention with its delicious taste and smell. In addition to fighting cancer, melon is also an ideal fruit for those who have sleep problems. Turkey is one of the world’s top melon-producing countries. Most melons are grown in the Adana, Konya, and Antalya provinces of Turkey.
Green plum
One of the most preferred summer fruits is the green plum. The green plum, loved by many with its juicy and sour structure, attracts attention with its fibrous structure. Plum, which accelerates metabolism, also fights bad breath. In many provinces of Turkey, green plums can be grown easily. Turkey is one of the world’s top plum-producing countries, with an annual production of more than 200 thousand tons. Most exports are made to European countries, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
Cherry is a summer fruit that attracts attention with its sweet and juicy structure. It has a granular structure, is carefully collected from the tree branch, and delivered to the consumers. Cherries are very beneficial for health thanks to the antioxidants, iron, and vitamins A and C they contain. It is frequently used in diet programs with its edema-scavenging effect. Turkey, where many different cherry species are grown, is the leading country in world cherry production. Cherry production in Turkey is generally concentrated in the Aegean region.

Turkey is the world’s largest producer of fresh and dried apricots. Malatya and Iğdır are the two provinces with the highest apricot production in Turkey. Apricot is in the group of yellow fruits and stands out with its fibrous structure and the beta carotene it contains. Those who have anemia and digestive problems can easily consume apricots. Apricots, which can be consumed in fresh, dry, and pureed forms, are also used to flavor other foods in desserts.
Fresh and dried forms of figs are produced in Turkey, just like apricots. Figs have many health benefits. In addition to the vitamins that it contains, it has a blood pressure balancing effect. Fig, which strengthens bone and muscle tissue, is a fruit mentioned in many holy books. Figs are grown in Turkey, especially in the Aegean region, where Aydın is the leading province in fig production. Turkey also realizes more than half of the fig production in the world.
The pear has an oval shape and is a yellow fruit. Pear, which is rich in vitamins C and K, is a serious source of potassium. Due to its high fiber content, it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Turkey is one of the most important pear producers in the world, and its annual production is more than 500 thousand tons. Bursa is the province where the most pears are grown in Turkey.
The grape has a clustered and granular structure and stands out with its purple and green varieties. In addition to being consumed as fresh, it is frequently used as raisins, in the production of vinegar and wine, and the pastry and bakery sectors. Grape, which stands out with its antioxidant effect, contains vitamin C and potassium. Turkey is one of the most important grape producers in the world. Most grapes are grown in the Aegean region and Central Anatolia region in Turkey.
Best Fruits from Turkey to the World
As Turkish Goods, we find the best summer fruits of Turkey for you. We provide inspections and controls on your behalf until you receive the product in all processes. If you want to procure products from the best fruit producers in the world, you can contact us.