
Leading Countries in Coffee Exports in the World

Coffee is a beverage made from the roasted and ground seeds of tropical evergreen coffee trees native to Africa. It is a beverage you probably consume every day. Nowadays, you see coffee shops everywhere you go. Although we usually consume beverages for their taste, the caffeine factor in coffee is one of the things that affect daily life the most. Consumers generally like to start the day with coffee. That’s one of the reasons it became mainstream in today’s world. It’s one of the three most popular beverages in the world. 

Equally important, coffee is linked to a lower risk of depression. Each cup of coffee consumed per day was associated with an 8% decreased incidence of depression. Also, it supports heart health and enhances athletic performance. Even though it is consumed frequently, it’s important to know that coffee is beneficial in moderation like anything else. Being such a common beverage, coffee is of course one of the most traded beverages in the world. Furthermore, it is one of the world’s most profitable commodities.

In fact, coffee became the world’s 112th most traded product. That is a significant number considering how many products exist in the world. From 2019 to 2020, the exports of coffee grew by 2.9 percent in the world. That’s a huge amount if we consider the total trade value, which is $30.8B. It grew from $29.9B, displaying an increase of $0.9B. Let’s take a closer look at the leading countries in coffee exports in the world.


It is a known fact that Brazil produces coffee the most, about a third of the world’s coffee production. This makes Brazil the top producer by far. The crop initially came to Brazil in the 18th century, and by the 1840s, the country had become the main producer of coffee. Brazilian coffee has thrived since the early nineteenth century. The main reason is that Italian immigrants arrived to work on coffee farms at that time. Production as a percentage of worldwide coffee output peaked in the 1920s. Yet, it has subsequently dropped due to rising global production. Today, the country produces 40 to 60 million bags per year and is the world’s top exporter of instant coffee.

Brazil is estimated to have 300,000 coffee plantations distributed over thirteen states. Brazilian coffee is often exported in various forms. Those forms include green coffee, ground & roasted coffee, soluble coffee, concentrated/essential extracts, and coffee residues.

In addition, the top coffee-producing province of Brazil is Minas Gerais. Also, it is Brazil’s most significant coffee-producing state. Nearly half of the entire country’s coffee production is based there. The Arabica type dominates coffee production in Brazil, accounting for over 80% of the total harvest. The harvesting season lasts from May until August. Belgium, Japan, Italy, the United States, and Germany are the top international buyers of Brazilian coffee. Brazil is not just the greatest coffee exporter, it is also one of the countries with the highest coffee consumption. It simply gives the Brazilian people a better understanding of coffee. 


Turkey is one of the most coffee-loving countries in the world. Turkish people are so fond of coffee that they have their own world-renowned “Turkish coffee.” One of the most significant elements that fascinate the people and make Turkish coffee so delicious is the bean used in the making. In the Ottoman period, Yemen and Ethiopian beans were used to make Turkish coffee. Nowadays, Rio Minas beans are the favorite. You are probably wondering why Turkish coffee is so important. The secret lies in the ritual of preparation and serving of the coffee. Due to its special nature, Turkish coffee is one of the most popular coffees around the world.

Turkey’s coffee exporting statistics are getting higher and higher year by year. From 2016 to 2020, there has been an $11M increase. In 2020, Turkey exported $30.7M worth of coffee and is one of the most developing countries in the world in terms of coffee exports. According to TUIK data, the increase continued in 2021. Reaching a quality Turkish coffee may be hard. Yet, Turkish Goods stands out as the top-quality exporter of Turkish coffee, and also many other coffees such as roasted coffee, granulated coffee, and green coffee beans. If you want to import the best-quality Turkish coffee, you can contact Turkish Goods.


Although there are no coffee trees in Switzerland, the country is one of the most important trade areas for green coffee. Furthermore, the country is one of the world’s largest coffee processors. Thanks to its roasting industry, the country has been in the top five coffee exporters globally since 2009. The country specializes in having famous brands such as Mövenpick and Nestlé. Especially Nestlé’s Nescafe stands out as the world’s first instant coffee. Nestlé’s Nespresso capsules also prove the enriched potential of Swiss coffee exports. 

Neighbours France, Germany, Italy, and Austria account for 43% of exports in Switzerland. The US is another big market for exports of the country with 10% and pays the highest average price for Swiss roasted coffee. The country imports mainly from Brazil and Colombia. In 2020, Switzerland exported $2.71B in coffee, making the country one of the largest exporters of coffee in the world. In the same year, Coffee was the 11th most exported product in Switzerland. Despite the fact that Switzerland has no coffee trees, this is how significant coffee is to the country.


Germany’s coffee roasting sector is massive. The sector is supplying both its home market and international markets. Coffee sustainability pledges are becoming increasingly significant in Germany’s coffee sector. It’s where specialty coffee is rising and gaining market share. 

In 2020, Germany exported $2.59B in coffee, making the country one of the biggest exporters of coffee. Also, Germany has the biggest amount of coffee sales. We can directly say that German people love coffee. It was so popular that it accounted for 26% of total European coffee consumption. Arabica and lightly roasted coffees are the most popular among German consumers. In keeping with this inclination, there has been a trend within the Arabica group toward Brazilian naturals and other mild flavors.


Colombia is known for producing moderate, well-balanced coffee beans. It is famous around the world for its flavor and the unmistakable mild but rich aroma that rises with each sip. It’s one of the reasons why it’s one of the most exported coffees in the world. There are numerous keys to its success, but one of them is clearly geography. Coffee grows best in volcanic soil at altitudes of 1,200 to 1,800 meters, where there is no frost, yet there are around 80 inches of rain each year. Colombia checks all the boxes.

In 2020, Colombia was one of the biggest in the coffee sector and still is. In the same year, coffee was the 3rd most exported product in Colombia. The main destinations of coffee exports from Colombia were the United States ($1.04B), Germany ($208M), Japan ($205M), Belgium ($189M), and Canada ($181M).

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