Export Record in April from the Turkish Industry Sector

In recent years, problems were experienced in supply all over the world. Lack of raw materials and regional instability have affected the industrial production of the countries. Turkey, on the other hand, managed to stay out of these exceptional situations. Turkey has increased its industrial production with its role as a bridge between Asia and Europe, being a balancing country in international politics, and abundant raw materials and manpower. Capturing the largest export figures in the country’s history in 2021, Turkey achieved similar results in the first quarter of 2022. So, what do the first-quarter data for 2022 industrial production in Turkey tell us?
Incidents Causing Instability in the World Could not Affect Turkey
There have been some incidents that have caused instability in both trade and industrial production in the world recently. Industrial production, which entered the recovery period after the Covid-19 epidemic, is facing a new crisis. This is due to the war between Russia and Ukraine and the rise in raw material and energy prices.
In addition to these, cancellations due to regional problems and conflicts also force countries. Just at this point, Turkey overcame the problems by increasing its market diversity. Turkey dealt with this problem by turning to alternative options in raw materials and energy. Moreover, Turkey focused on other countries instead of countries that it could not trade with due to regional confusion. Increasing market diversity did not hinder industrial production, but also increased industry export figures to record levels in 2021 and the first quarter of 2022.
Record Numbers Reached in Exports
2021 was a year in which Turkey made record exports in industry and other sectors. In the first quarter of 2022, exports continued unabated. The export of 17 billion 741 million dollars in April was the highest export of all time on a monthly basis. Furthermore, industrial exports increased by 25.5% compared to the previous year. The share of foreign sales in total exports was recorded as 75.9%.
In Which Sectors were the Most Exports Made?
Knowing the sectoral distributions as well as exports gives various clues to understanding the Turkish economy. In April 2022, textile and raw materials exported 995 million 49 thousand dollars. Chemical materials, and products exported 3 billion 314 million dollars, and ready-made clothing and apparel 2 billion 41 million dollars. Especially in recent years, significant increases in the chemical industry and textile sector draw attention.
Moreover, investments in the aerospace and defense industry triggered an increase in exports in the electricity and metal industries. Electricity and electronics exported 1 billion 401 million dollars and ferrous and non-ferrous metals 1 billion 501 million dollars. On the other hand, cement, glass ceramics, and earthenware products achieved a record export of 569 million 249 thousand dollars. Finally, the air conditioning industry exported 637 million 272 thousand dollars.
The increase in export rates, as well as export amounts, provides important data. In April 2022, compared to the same period of the previous year, exports increased by 13.4 percent in textiles and raw materials. It also increased by 53 percent in chemical materials and products. In addition, ready-made clothing and apparel increased by 25.6 percent, electricity and electronics by 12 percent, and ferrous and non-ferrous metals by 43.2 percent. Cement, glass ceramics, and earthenware products increased by 41.6 percent, and the air conditioning industry increased by 13.6%.
The Most Exports in the Industrial Sector were Made to European Countries
Most exports of industrial products were made to European Union countries, the United Kingdom, and the USA. The country that stood out the most in terms of the number of sectors was Germany. The highest exports were made to Germany with 352 million 868 thousand dollars for ready-made clothing and apparel, 216 million 405 thousand dollars for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and 65 million 940 thousand dollars for the air conditioning industry. In the textile sector, most exports were made to Italy. Italy imported a total of 103 million 556 thousand dollars of textile and raw material products from Turkey.
The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the USA came to the fore in the chemical products, electrical and electronics sectors, and the glass, cement, and ceramics sectors, respectively. Turkey made exports of 258 million 348 thousand dollars in chemical substances and products to the Netherlands. The amount of exports made to the United Kingdom in the electrical and electronics sector was 141 million 808 thousand dollars. Cement, glass, ceramics, and soil products were exported to the USA for 97 million 114 thousand dollars.
Value Added Products from Turkey to the World
Providing a wide range of products from industrial products to agricultural products and textiles, Turkish Goods continues to be a pioneer in the sector. Making available products to its suppliers wherever they are in the world with the motto “From Turkey to the World”, Turkish Goods is an unrivaled service provider in this field. It is the right address for professional trade with its price offer within 48 hours and its team providing service in 13 languages.