Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports Surge in April

Turkey is one of the world’s major fresh fruit and vegetable exporters. Turkey is a country where fruit and vegetable production is made throughout the year, with its location in the mid-rail and its climate suitable for agriculture. In the spring, one of the seasons when fruits and vegetables are most diverse, exports gain a great boost. In April 2022, exports of fresh fruits and vegetables increased significantly compared to the same period of the previous year, once again demonstrating this reality. Despite all the negative regional and sectoral incidents, Turkey managed to keep exports above a certain level by entering new markets. So, what are the export data of Turkey’s fresh vegetables and fruits for April 2022?
Which Vegetables and Fruits Grow in April?
Many types of fruits and vegetables grow in Turkey in April. In vegetables and fruits, the ones that are predominantly green in color come to the fore. Artichokes, asparagus, purslane, peas, beets, and lettuce are some of the vegetables that grow during this time of the year. Among the fruits, green plum, green almond, Japanese plum, and black mulberry stand out. However, some vegetables and fruits can be harvested early in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, where a mild climate prevails. For an early harvest, the regions where greenhouse activities are intense attract attention.
Which Vegetables and Fruits were Exported the Most in April 2022?
Tomatoes, lemons, peppers, and apples, which are at the top, meet the majority of exports. The ratio of these four vegetables and fruits to the sector’s exports is 63%. Tomatoes ranked first among Turkey’s most exported products in April, with an increase of 43% and $60 million. Lemon was in second place with an increase of 5% and $25.6 million. Pepper, on the other hand, took third place with a decrease of 8% and $ 25 million. In the same period, the highest increases in export volume were realized in pomegranate, tea, mandarin, and watermelon. There was an increase of up to 345% in these products.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Export Figures for April Announced
It became clear how much fresh vegetables and fruits Turkey exported in April 2022. Turkey exported 210 million 429 thousand dollars of fresh fruit and vegetables in April. If we look at the basis of tons, a total of 334 thousand 86 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables were exported. On the other hand, Turkey’s overall sector exports increased by 4% in April compared to the same period of the previous year.

Mediterranean Region Draws Attention to the Increase in Export Rate
In Turkey, the Mediterranean region gained serious momentum in the increase in regional exports in April. In April 2022, it increased by 22% compared to the same period of the previous year. The total export figure of the Mediterranean region was 85.8 million dollars. On the other hand, 41% of the country’s exports were made by Mersin, Hatay, Adana, and Karaman. Advanced irrigation technologies, greenhouse activities, and suitable climatic conditions in the Mediterranean region are effective in agricultural production.
Which Countries Were the Most Exported to?
Turkey’s largest partner in the agricultural sector generally does not change. In April, most exports were made to Russia. Also, in April, the highest export was made to Russia with 46.3 million dollars. In second place is another Black Sea country. During this period, Turkey exported 27.2 million dollars to Romania, and exports to Germany amounted to 18.1 million dollars.
The increase in exports to some countries is also quite remarkable. In this period, the most remarkable increases in export volume were achieved in the Israeli, Polish and Dutch markets. During this period, Turkey sold 9 million dollars of fresh fruit and vegetables to Israel with an increase of 572 percent. Exports to Poland increased by 183% to $9.8 million, and to the Netherlands by 138 percent to $7.4 million. On the other hand, Turkey’s fresh fruit and vegetable exports in the January-April period reached 972.7 million dollars.
Turkey Expanded in the European and Middle Eastern Market
Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, Turkey has also entered into new market searches. In this period, Turkey sought alternative markets to compensate for the decline in exports in the Commonwealth of Independent States. In this regard, significant increases were achieved in European and Middle Eastern countries. Record-breaking exports to Israel and other European countries are proof of this.
We Provide the Top-Quality Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
As Turkish Goods, we deliver Turkey’s best quality fresh fruits and vegetables to you. We convey the vegetables and fruits that we supply from seasonal producers as fresh with advanced transportation techniques. We offer you the most reliable service by taking care of all processes from cultivation to product delivery.