Great Surge in Ship and Yacht Exports

With the increasing importance of ship transportation and logistics in the world, the ship and yacht production sector gained importance. The ship logistics sector is growing day by day in Turkey, a country surrounded by seas on three sides. Furthermore, with the increasing R&D investments in recent years, there has been a great increase in ship and yacht production. Turkey increased its production by more than 25% in the first five months of 2022 compared to the previous year. So, what do the current figures and data mean in the ship and yacht production sector in Turkey?
Ship and Yacht Exports Increased by 26% in 2022 Compared to the Previous Year
Turkey increased its general exports by 20.4% in the first five months of 2022 compared to the previous year. Turkey, which exports 102 billion 504 million dollars in total, increased its ship and yacht exports in this period. The share of said exports in total exports in Turkey was 0.6%. When compared to the previous year, ship and yacht exports increased by 26.3% and reached 577 million 86 thousand dollars.
Istanbul Made the Most Exports
Turkey exported ships and yachts to 125 countries in the first 5 months of 2022. While a total of 26 cities exported ships and yachts in Turkey, Istanbul made 297 million 400 thousand dollars of total exports. The exports of Istanbul accounted for approximately 52% of the overall exports. After Istanbul, the city that exported the most ships and yachts was Yalova with 204 million 955 thousand dollars. İzmir followed Yalova with 30 million 329 thousand dollars, Bursa with 21 million 26 thousand dollars, and Ankara with 9 million 972 thousand dollars. In general, it is seen that ship and yacht exports are concentrated in the western region of Turkey. The provinces in the Marmara region constitute an important part of this export.
Most Exports Were Made to Norway
With a total of 125 countries in exports, Turkey’s most exported country was Norway. Turkey exported 215 million 362 thousand dollars to Norway in the first quarter of the year. Pakistan ranked second after Norway with 37 million 331 thousand dollars. Then came the Marshall Islands with 29 million 114 thousand dollars and Kuwait with 27 million 119 thousand dollars respectively. Finally, Turkey exported 24 million and 704 thousand dollars to Ireland. It is extremely important to enter the market in the world’s leading countries in fishing and maritime transport, such as Norway. It stands out as a logical action to increase sectoral competition and attract foreign investors to Turkey.

Sector Representatives Continuing Their Work Non-stop
According to the Ship, Yacht, and Services Exporters’ Association, records were broken in ship and yacht exports in the January-May period. The main market of the sector, which achieved great success by increasing its export rate by more than 25%, is Europe and the Middle East countries. In addition to the export of ships and yachts, exports to South American countries stand out, especially in the tugboat sector.
On the other hand, sector representatives attend various events to promote the innovations Turkey has achieved in the ship and yacht industry. They aim to bring the brands to the international level with the “The Art on Water” projects and the international fairs they organize. Turkey participated in the Nor-Shipping Fair held in Norway in April and introduced its new projects. Foreign participants, who saw the first outputs of the projects, gave positive feedback on this issue. In addition, sector representatives are expected to attend the Posidonia 2022 fairs to be held in Athens on 6-10 June and SMM 2022 fairs to be held in Hamburg on 6-9 September.
Demand for Environment-Friendly and Innovative Ships Increases
The demand for the construction of innovative and environmentally friendly ships, especially from Northern European countries, is increasing. In addition, the demand for hybrid propulsion systems, working only with LNG and fully electric products has increased. Very shortly, we may see hydrogen-powered ships and yachts operating by separating the hydrogen in seawater in the sector.
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