
New Data: Turkey’s July Export Surge

The increase in shipments in July was highlighted by Veysel Memiş, Chairman of the Mediterranean Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds and Products Exporters’ Association (AHBİB). In comparison to the same month last year, exports rose by 57 percent in July. As a result, July’s export revenue was accorded at 166.1 million dollars.

Turkey made the highest exports to Iraq, Canada, and Yemen in July. Chairman Veysel Memiş mentioned that they have achieved record increases of up to 50 times in the markets of Benin, Tunisia, Canada, and Ukraine.

Turkey’s Multifaceted Promotion Attack in the Export Market

We can say that Turkey, which has made a name for itself in the production market, starts its advertisement first with its people. It follows a versatile promotion strategy, especially since it wants to move toward different product ranges and reach a new level in the export market.

Memiş stated that they wanted to add new elements to their knowledge portfolio in agriculture. Memiş said that they accelerated the work on this subject. He continued:

“Our goals are quite high. While taking steps to strengthen our corporate identity to achieve these goals, we will also focus on effective promotional activities that will strengthen the competitiveness of our members.”

He claimed that their main objective is to at least triple the region’s exports, which totaled $1.57 billion last year. He further stated that initiatives would be taken to more than double Turkey’s current export proportion of 17%.

Export Goals of Turkey

Memiş highlighted the goals during the meeting and said they would increase attendance at international marketing fairs and erect information booths. He underlined that production would always be important and that exports would continue by introducing the production and the manufacturer.

Memiş also stated that they created the corporate logo of the union, which strongly supports Turkey’s exports of grains, pulses, and oilseeds. He also shared some good news. They started to prepare promotional videos in various versions and languages regarding the services and activities of the Union. He underlined that in this way, Turkey would develop even more.

President Memiş continued his words as follows:

“Our promotional film, which reflects the position of our association in the Turkish cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and products sector and its role in exports, will be presented at the fairs we attend. It will be presented to the public on social media platforms as well as at national and international events.”

Turkey’s Exports to Countries by Products in July

Turkey’s agricultural and food exports attract attention in July. In July, the region’s exports—especially red lentils—accounted for 23% of total exports. Veysel Memiş announced the products exported in July and the countries they export to.

Turkey’s most exported pulses varieties increased by 38 percent in July. Thus, it took first place with a value of 47.6 million dollars. In addition, pastry products ranked second with a value of 32.7 million dollars, an increase of 68 percent. Vegetable oils with the highest increase of 202 percent are in third place. Its sales were $28.8 billion.

Most Exported Product was Red Lentils

Veysel Memiş also shared data about the most exported product.

“The product we exported the most in all product groups in the seventh month of the year was red lentils. Red lentils, which reached a value of 37.8 million dollars with an increase of 604 percent in this period, constituted 23 percent of our regional exports.“

The data for exports for July by country are also announced. The highest export values were reached in Iraq, Canada, and Yemen markets. Exports to Iraq were 53.4 million dollars with an increase of 81 percent. Sales of 14 million dollars were made to Canada with an increase of 2 thousand 904 percent. Exports to Yemen amounted to 11 million dollars with an increase of 322 percent.

In addition to these, Memiş also mentioned:

“In the mentioned month, we had the best export volume performance in the markets of Benin, Tunisia, Canada, and Ukraine. Sales to Benin increased by 4,989 percent to $2.2 million. Additionally, exports to Tunisia totaled 1.4 million dollars, up 4,776 percent, while exports to Canada totaled 14 million dollars, up 2,904 percent. Additionally, we increased our exports to Ukraine by 1,362 percent, totaling 4.1 million dollars.”

As AHBB, they realized 1.1 billion dollars in exports during the January–July 2022 period, a 36.5 percent increase over the same period the previous year, according to chairman Veysel Memiş.

The Future of Exports

He drew attention to the fact that the rise of the region in exports will increase gradually, especially with the promotions prepared in different languages. He underlined that they believe that they will announce the year-end data with enthusiasm when they announce this report. Memiş stated that the balance between export and production will be carried forward with multi-faceted promotional moves.

Based on the data announced and the innovations made in the field of agriculture, Turkey will progress in production and export day by day. Especially with the effect of digitalization, both the manufacturer will be recognized and the products will come to the fore. Interactive events, promotional films, and many other developments will give Turkey an advantage in the export market.

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