
Olive Exports Surpassed 100 Thousand Tons

Turkey’s table olive export season has ended. This season, table olive exports reached an all-time high of 110 thousand tons. The quantity of foreign currency obtained from table olives climbed by 15 percent, while exports increased by 24 percent.

The Aegean Exporters’ Association (EIB) released new declarations regarding the table olive export season of 2021-2022. The season ended on September 30, 2022, according to the statement. Olive exports increased by a record amount in a year. In comparison to the 2020-2021 season, olive exports increased by 24 percent. Exports rose to 110 thousand tons as a result of this development. The total value of exports climbed by 15 percent and reached 173 million dollars.

According to reports, the export of black olives climbed by 19% over the previous season, reaching 80 thousand tons in 2021-2022. The export situation was reviewed by Davut Er, Chairman of the Aegean Olive & Olive Oil Exporters’ Association. Er expressed his satisfaction with the situation. Er, “The amount of foreign currency obtained from the export of black olives grew by 10 percent to 125 million dollars. Our green olive export growth rates were significantly more pleasing. Our green olive export climbed from 21 thousand tons last season to 30 thousand tons this season. Green olive export revenue increased by 35 percent, from 35 million dollars to 48 million dollars. We are proud to have surpassed the previous season’s record of 91 thousand 122 tons.”

It was stated that the export revenue of green olives increased by 35 percent to 48 million dollars. According to the statement, which indicated that it was a productive season, the record of 91 thousand 122 tons set in the 2018-2019 season was broken. During the season, Turkey received a foreign exchange inflow of 173 million dollars.

Olive Oil Exports Continue to Expand at a Rapid Pace

The Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters’ Association’s Chairman, Davut Er, also assessed olive oil exports. In his statements, he also noted that the 11-month period was left out of the olive oil season. Davut Er reported that Turkish olive oil, which he refers to as “Golden liquid,” was exported with a 13 percent increase in dollar value this season.

“Our olive oil exports climbed from 40 thousand tons to 52 thousand tons, a 28 percent rise in quantity,” Er added. ‘’The value of exports increased by 44 percent to 180 million dollars. Our average kilogram export price has risen to 3.44 dollars. We have packaged around 60 percent of our olive oil exports. This is a very positive development for our industry, from our perspective. Our pomace exports climbed to 22 million dollars by increasing 168 percent. Our industry’s total exports increased by 32 percent, from 282 million dollars to 373 million dollars. We are concluding a fantastic season with exports totaling 400 million dollars. I’d want to congratulate all of our manufacturers and exporters who supported us reach this milestone.” He provided an overview of olive oil exports.

The New Season’s Objectives are Established

New goals for olive oil exports were established, which climbed from 40 thousand tons to 52 thousand tons in the current season. Er revealed Turkey’s olive oil export ambitions, stating they are optimistic about the upcoming season. He indicated that as long as the weather and precipitation circumstances would be favorable in the coming season, there would be a better harvest in terms of both quality and quantity than the previous year.

Er mentioned that harvests in Spain and Italy were expected to remain low due to global warming. In addition, he stated, “We attempt to convert low returns into possibilities. For the coming season, we aim to boost our exports to 500 million dollars. In this regard, the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters’ Association’s visit to Spain from November 27 to December 2 will be critical to achieving our goal. I believe that organizing a sectoral trade delegation is essential. It will be an important opportunity for our exporters to follow developments in Spain, the largest producer, as well as to increase their export potential in the forthcoming bilateral meetings.” said.

“In the new season, we are ready to meet domestic and worldwide demands.”

The influence of newly planted trees on the targets was revealed in statistics supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. With the trees becoming more fruitful, the table olive harvest is expected to surpass 1 million 200 thousand tons. The harvest of olive oil is estimated to amount to 650 thousand tons.

Er concluded his comments by stating that they were gradually approaching the target set for this crop every year. In this context, he noted that they were prepared to meet domestic and international demand in the new season with 60-70 thousand tons of end-of-season stock.

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