
Turkey’s Export to Germany Reached an All-Time High in 2021

Turkey is ranked the 28th country as an exporter in the whole world. Turkey’s total exports in 2019 totaled $180B. Germany is the country with which Turkey exports the most. Germany and Turkey have particularly broad and intimate ties, in which the nearly three million Germans of Turkish descent play a major role.

Germany is Turkey’s most important trading partner and one of the country’s largest foreign investors. In 2020, bilateral trade was worth 36.6 billion euros. In Turkey, there are almost 7400 German enterprises or Turkish companies with German equity participation. It is estimated that the trade between Germany and Turkey is going to get higher year by year. 

Germany imports from Turkey with the hit record in 2021. According to TIM (Turkish Exporters’ Assembly) figures, Turkey’s exports to Germany amount to $17.7 billion in 2021, a 22.9 percent increase over 2020. Automotive was the most important sector in Turkey’s exports to Germany in 2021, followed by clothes, metals, and electronics. Other than those, machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers, vegetable, fruit, nut food preparations play an important role in the trade between Germany and Turkey.

The UK came in second with $13.23 billion (up 26.3 percent). And the US came in third with $12.84 billion (up 45 percent). Italy ($10.66 billion) and Spain ($9.24 billion) filled out the top five, with Iraq, France, the Netherlands, Israel, and Russia rounding out the top ten. In 2021, Turkey’s total exports exceeded $225.4 billion, a 32.9 percent increase over the previous year. With those numbers, Turkey’s exports reached an all-time high. In November, the country’s imports increased by 26.7 percent year on year to $26.8 billion, while the total increased by 22.9 percent year on year to $242.3 billion in January-November. The most important export goods of Turkey are motor vehicles & parts, industrial machinery, iron steel.

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