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Min. Purc. Amt. 10 Tons
Product Type Onion
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Onion production has increased considerably since onion consumption is high in many countries. Especially in Turkey, onion producers tend to export a significant amount. The main reason for this is that the income increases in line with the demand.

Turkey ranks 12th in the world onion cultivation areas and 5th in onion production. While the average global onion yield is 1.908 kilograms per day, Turkey’s yield is 3.244 kilograms per day, which is significantly higher than the global average. With 237 thousand tons exported in 11 months in 2021, Turkey set a new record for exports in the last 20 years.

It is expected that these export rates will increase further. Turkish Goods, which is in contact with an increasing number of manufacturers every day, is the epitome of quality in supply. You can benefit from the experience of Turkish Goods to import the best quality onions from Turkey.

Onion, the main hero of dishes, is one of the most necessary products in many cuisines. It is the jewel in the crown of the dishes, especially in Asian and Anatolian cuisines. There are many onion varieties such as red, white, and yellow. However, onion varieties differ in many countries. It is also a great source of antioxidants in terms of health. It facilitates digestion and strengthens immunity.

Onion Production

Onion, which is used as the main ingredient of dishes, can withstand up to -10 degrees Celsius during the cultivation process. Since it can withstand difficult weather conditions, cultivation studies are generally carried out by each country. Onions are one of the vegetables with the most re-sprouting. For this reason, onion planting is preferred in terms of product abundance. Although onion cultivation is carried out in almost every region of Turkey, the production takes place more in the central north part of Central Anatolia and the Central Black Sea region.

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Min. Purc. Amt.

10 Tons

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All Countries

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