
An Exclusive Look into Turkish Fruit Exports

Turkey is a country with fertile and rich lands. Thanks to its unique vegetation, Turkey is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of fruits grown in soil and trees. The fruits grown in Turkey meet the fruit needs of both the country and abroad.  The fruit sector is an important sector that directly concerns people. Fruits are nutrition that contains protein, vitamins, and vegetable carbohydrates, which are the basic needs of humanity. Therefore, the fruits meeting with consumers performs a vital function for humanity.

Turkey is one of the rare countries in the world where fruits can be grown in the best conditions and with high quality due to fertile and wide agricultural areas suitable for production. Compared to many countries in the world, fruit production takes place in almost every season and in every region in Turkey. Also, Turkey is the largest producer of many fruit species in the world and is one of the most important countries in fruit exports. Prominent product groups in the fruit sector export are lemon, mandarin, cherry, orange, grape, pomegranate, apple, and grapefruit. The countries to which the sector exports the most are Russian Federation, Iraq, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, and Italy.


Lemon has an important place among the citrus varieties that are widely grown in the world.  About 79% of the world’s lemon production is supplied by Mexico, the EU, Argentina, and Turkey. The Mediterranean Region is where lemon production is most intense in Turkey. The cities that stand out with their lemon production are Mersin, Hatay, and Antalya. 

According to the January 2021 data, Turkey obtained 128 million dollars in foreign exchange from citrus exports. About 24.5% of this amount was obtained from lemon exports. According to current data, Iraq, Russia, and Ukraine are among the countries to which Turkey exports lemons in 2021. Besides that, 294,455 tons were exported in the first four months of 2022. 


Tangerine and other citrus products are generally grown in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Turkey and China are the leading exporters of the global tangerine market. The most preferred type of mandarin in Turkey’s exports is satsuma.

According to the data for 2022, the most exported product in citrus is tangerine.  Russia ranked first in tangerine imports. Mandarin exports to Russia amounted to 243 million dollars in 2020. This rate increased by 9% in 2021 and reached 266 million dollars. Ukraine is the country with the highest import volume after Russia. In 2021, tangerine exports amounting to 58 million dollars were made to Ukraine. Exports to Iraq amounted to 32.5 million dollars. In 2020, the contribution of tangerine to the national economy was 437 million 539 thousand dollars. This rate increased by 4% in 2021 and reached 453 million 607 thousand dollars.


Grape is a fruit that is not very selective in terms of climate and soil requirements. Therefore, it is among the plants widely grown in the world. Turkey is among the countries that have the most dominant role in the world grape trade.

Seedless grape is the most exported and produced grape type in Turkey. The grape variety called Sultani seedless raisins makes up 95% of the grape exports in Turkey. Besides, Turkey ranks first in world raisin exports. Between 2019-2020, Turkey carried out 64.4% of its raisin exports to the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, and France. In return for this export, Turkey provided an income of 514 million dollars. In 2021, Sultani seedless fresh grape exports increased by 54 percent compared to 2020, reaching 125 million dollars from 81 million dollars.


Apple is generally grown in the Mediterranean, Marmara, and Central Anatolia regions of Turkey. The growing area of the apple, which is a cold-resistant fruit, is quite wide. Turkey is among the top apple-producing countries in the world. The country produces an average of 4.3 tons of apples per year. 

Turkey is among the top producers of apples in the world. India took first place in Turkey’s apple export. In 2021, apples were exported to India in the amount of 653 thousand 998 dollars. On the other hand, 36 million 444 thousand dollars of apple exports were made to Russia, which ranked second.


Orange is one of the most consumed fruits of the winter months. It is grown in high amounts in the Mediterranean and Eastern Black Sea regions of Turkey. Orange provides 51% of the total citrus production. Brazil is the leader in world orange production. Turkey is in 8th place, meeting 3% of the world’s orange production.


Strawberry is mostly grown in the Aegean and Mediterranean Regions in Turkey. Foreign trade in Turkey for strawberries is carried out in two ways: fresh and frozen strawberries. 

Turkey is among the top producers and exporters of strawberries in the world. As a matter of fact, Turkey’s strawberry export continues to increase rapidly. Turkey exported 42 thousand 500 tons of strawberries in 2021. In 2021, the income from strawberry exports was 46 million and 118 thousand dollars. Also, Turkey exported strawberries to 43 different countries in 2021.


The fig, which is mostly grown in the Aegean region in Turkey, is one of the fruits with the oldest development history. Turkey is in an important position in terms of fig production and export. Turkey ranks first in world fig production and export. In 2021, Turkey earned 70 million dollars in foreign exchange income from fig exports. 60 million dollars of fresh fig exports were obtained from black figs grown in Bursa.

Moreover, Turkey exported figs to 40 different countries in 2021. Germany took first place with a demand of 27 million dollars. Then, figs were exported to the Netherlands with an amount of $5.8 million, while the UK ranked third with a demand of $5.1 million.

You can easily import any fruit you like from Turkey with the assurance of Turkish Goods. Contact us to get a quotation in 48 hours and start your safe and easy import process.

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