Bottled Water Export in the World

Water is the source of life. Human beings need to drink a certain amount of water each day. The amount of water a person needs to drink depends on many different aspects. It depends on the person’s physical activity levels, age, health condition as well as environmental conditions.
Even though daily water intake is crucial, not everyone has access to drinking water. According to a report published by WHO and UNICEF, approximately 1 in 4 people lacked safely managed drinking water in their homes in 2020. In fact, it is stated that by 2030, only 81% of the world’s population will be able to access safe drinking water at home.
This goes to show that having access to safe drinking water is crucial around the world. Thus, the production and export of drinking water, namely bottled water, becomes important. In this article, we will be discussing the elements that contribute to the quality of the water and the countries that are leaders in terms of water production and export around the world.
The Parameters Affecting Water Quality
While drinking enough water daily is extremely important for a healthy life, the quality of the drinking water is also important. The quality of the water is examined in three categories. These categories are chemical, physical and biological.
- Chemical Parameters: Chemical parameters reflect the characteristics of the environment water comes into contact with. They include heavy metals, turbidity, trace organic compounds and total suspended soils. Chemical elements are quite important since they pose a health risk due to the buildup of heavy metals.
- Physical Parameters: Physical parameters are related to the senses of taste, smell, touch and sight. While they affect the taste of the drinking water, they are also linked with temperature, color and odor.
- Biological Parameters: They reflect the number of bacteria, viruses, algae and protozoa found in the water. Microbiological parameters include E. coli, pathogenic species of bacteria, coliform bacteria, viruses as well as protozoan parasites. These elements create the greatest concern due to the immediate health risk they pose.
In order to ensure that the water is suitable for consumption, water quality is measured through certain laboratory techniques. The result taken from the quality tests must meet the quality standards set by governments. However, these quality standards are usually in accordance with the international standards set by the World Health Organization.
Leading Countries in Bottled Water Production and Export
There are many countries that come to the fore with their water exports. Even though the Covid-19 pandemic affected international trade, the exports and imports in the world are slowly increasing again. We have listed the top countries that export water and shared their export figures from 2020.
France is the largest exporter of water in the world based on the export data from 2020. According to the published data, the water export of France in 2020 generated $841M income. With this figure, France differentiates itself from other countries by a wide margin.
France exports to a wide range of countries. Based on the 2020 report, Belgium was the top importer on the list with an import worth $201M. Germany came second with $132M. The United States came close to Germany with water imports worth $125M. Finally, the United Kingdom and Japan came with $69M and $57.2M respectively.
When it comes to water exports China draws attention with its generated income. Establishing itself as the second largest country in water exports, China generated $651M income in 2020.
Moreover, China’s water exports focus on the Eastern countries. Hong Kong was the top water importer from China with $562M. South Korea was the second importer with water imports worth $46.7M. The third country was Macau with an import worth $38.5M. Chinese Taipei and Czechia came last with $1.83M and $1.04M.
Italy is the third largest exporter of water. The country exported $618M worth of water in 2020. Focusing its exports mostly on the European countries, Italy exports the most to the United States.
In fact, Italy exported water worth $252M to the USA. France was the second importer with $85.2M. Germany came third with $53M. Finally, Switzerland imported $39.2M worth of water and Australia imported $19.1M.
United States
The United States is one of the leading countries in terms of water exports. The US exports to many different countries from different parts of the world, showcasing a wide range of trade relations. The country exports water mainly to Japan. In 2020, Japan imported water worth $61.2M. Canada was the second country with $22.M and Mexico was the third with $19.5M. Furthermore, Panama and the Netherlands followed with $7.11M and $6.32M respectively.
Lastly, Turkey is among the top water exporting countries in the world. According to TUIK data, Turkey exported 369.790 tonnes of bottled water in 2020. This generated an income of $51.3M.
In 2020, the United Kingdom was the top importer of water from Turkey with an import worth $13M. Germany was the second with $10.1M. Israel came third with $5.45M. Finally, the United Arab Emirates followed with $5.23M and Palestine with $3.75M.
Moreover, the export of bottled water in Turkey is increasing significantly each year. In 2021, Turkey exported 385.453 tonnes of water and earned $58.3M. The exports are expected to increase even further in 2022, especially with the decrease in the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Import Bottled Water with Turkish Goods
Turkish Goods is known for providing the best quality products to every corner of the globe. You can import high-quality bottled water via Turkish Goods. We place importance on choosing the best suppliers in Turkey and making sure the products meet the highest quality standards.
By partnering with Turkish Goods, you can make the entire import process easy and safe. Our experts take care of the entire process to create the best experience for you. Contact Turkish Goods to import bottled water or any other product and get a quotation in 48 hours.