
Top 5 Healthcare Products to Source from Turkey Now

The healthcare industry is one of the areas where the most attention is paid worldwide. It has a high market share in both exports and imports. As a developing country, Turkey is increasing its success in this sector day by day. The fact that Turkey is rich in general health products, materials, and production types has enabled it to progress in exports. There are also researches on which products can be imported from Turkey regarding health products from other countries.

Healthcare products cover many product groups from creams to masks, from equipment to protection products. There is a great acceleration in the healthcare sector. There is also an increase in the export of specific products in the field of health in Turkey. Let’s examine the top 5 healthcare products you should source from Turkey in categories.

1. Protective Equipment

Due to the negative effects of the pandemic, daily life changed drastically. The shopping rate for protective products in health has increased with the importance given to cleaning. Especially the demand for products such as masks, gloves, and disinfectants to be imported from Turkey is very high.

Medical Mask

The medical mask, which created the most market share during the coronavirus period, has been one of the product groups where high-quality production is most sought after. Export sales of masks, which are both more protective and more comfortable, in Turkey increased 123 times in 2020 compared to the previous year.


Although Cologne was first used as a kind of perfume, it kills bacteria depending on the percentage of alcohol in it. Especially in Turkey, it is used to kill bacteria on surfaces or disinfect hands. Cologne, which is produced in very high numbers in Turkey, is imported as a disinfectant because it contains about 60% to 80% alcohol.


At a time when disinfectants gained more importance and production was insufficient, Turkey experienced a great rise in the world disinfectant market. Turkey’s exports of alcohol content and anti-allergic disinfectant products increased by 126% in 2020. Considering that production is gradually developing and diversifying, disinfectants are among the products that are in high demand.

2. Medical Equipment

When it comes to health products, medical equipment usually comes to mind. Medical equipment covers all kinds of products from devices to syringes. Import demands from Turkey are very high, especially for healthcare device parts. Furthermore, ready-made medical clothing made of plastic, rubber-coated, and impregnated fibers was among the most preferred products in 2020 and 2021.

3. Dietary Supplements

The product group called food supplements or dietary supplements is produced in many ways. While these products are consumed orally, they are generally preferred for weight gain, weight loss or energy gain. These products generally contain vegetable and fruit concentrate, useful herbs, and vitamins. 

In addition to Turkey’s leading position in the field of agriculture, its new productions in the fields of chemistry and health have made a name in this field as well. Although it is divided according to the purpose of use in tablet, capsule, or powder types, it is preferred especially as a vitamin supplement to protect against colds.

4. Detergents

Although detergents are called cleaning materials in all areas of our lives, they are actually within the scope of health products. Detergents must be dermatologically certified according to health laws, as washed clothes come in direct contact with the skin. Especially Ariel Detergent is preferred for the sustainable energy consumption movement. Thanks to its anti-allergic feature, it is one of the products that you can import from Turkey within the scope of healthcare products.

5. Care Products for the Elderly and Babies

Everything that comes into contact with the skin is perceived as a part of the cosmetic industry. However, within the scope of products that heal the skin and provide benefits, products designed specifically for babies and the elderly are included in the medical sector.

Although allergic skin is a condition that can be encountered in everyone, the skin of the elderly and babies is always more sensitive. You can examine Turkey in the market of medical products, which are considered specific to the elderly and babies. It has both quality and solution-oriented productions.


Diapers are produced with ingredients such as cotton, hemp, bamboo or microfiber. It is what every baby needs until they are old enough to be toilet trained. Moreover, diapers are an important necessity for bedridden patients or adults and the elderly with urinary incontinence problems. It can be said that diapers are a baby’s best friend from the moment they are born. 

However, in this case, sensitivity from urine or feces can be seen and babies may not like their best friend. Both high-quality absorbent and non-allergenic diapers are preferred. You can add Turkey’s baby diapers, which are produced with the latest technology systems, to your list of products that need to be imported. In addition, the import rate of diapers for adults is quite high.

Wet Wipes

Wet wipes, which are frequently used on babies’ hands, face, and body, should have a Ph ratio suitable for your baby’s skin. They should not contain alcohol, paraben, or perfume. Wet wipes, specially produced for newborn babies, are among the most imported products within the scope of health products.


Creams as ointments are perhaps the most researched lane of the health product line. Although everyone wants to use creams without harmful ingredients, especially caregivers of the elderly or parents prefer quick and effective products. Both herbal and solution-oriented creams are included in the list of those imported from Turkey. Those who want to protect the sensitive skin of both babies and the elderly with herbal creams especially prefer olive oil creams. Creams produced with pure extracts attract a lot of attention.

You Can Import Healthcare Goods with Turkish Goods

In a world that is changing day by day, the import and export sector is gradually developing. Agreements between countries and breakthroughs in the shopping sector also gain different dimensions. 

However, when it comes to imports, many companies turn to brands that can offer high quality and security throughout the process. As a new breath in the import and export sector, Turkish Goods draws attention with its comprehensive service. You can contact us on our website, get the best price offer in 48 hours and import health products from Turkey.

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