Outstanding Success in Grain Export

Grains are the seeds of grass-like plants called cereals. Some of the most common varieties are corn, rice, and wheat. Grains are one of the oldest foods in the world and have been a staple food for millennia. They provide important nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins. They can be eaten whole or milled into flour for bread and other baked goods.
The health benefits of eating whole grains include a lower risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. While this is the case, grains are one of the most traded products in the world. Wheat is the most traded grain. It is also the 85th most traded product in the whole world with a total trade value of $44,1B. Wheat trade accounts for 0.24 percent of total global trade.
Grain Exports of Turkey Increased by 29.7%
According to Istanbul Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, and Products Exporters’ Association (İHBİR) exports increased by 29.78 percent. This increase was compared to the same month of the previous year and it reached 240,746 million dollars.
India was the country that imported the most grains. In 2021, 13.4 million dollars of grain exports were made to India. In January 2022, 16,698 million dollars’ worth of grain was exported to the country, achieving a tremendous increase of 2 thousand 348 percent. This was more than the total export of 2021 to India.
Moreover, Haluk Okutur, Chairman of the Association, noted that they had exported to 162 countries in January. In January, exports to the USA increased by 89.57 percent compared to the same month of the previous year. Exports to Iraq increased by 22.78 percent, and exports to India increased by 2 thousand 348 percent. Finally, exports to Yemen increased by 44.49 percent.
Turkey is Among the Top Wheat Exporters
While Russia, the EU, the United States, and Ukraine are the top producers of wheat in the world, Canada, Australia, and Turkey are among the top wheat exporters. Turkey ranks ninth in the world with 6.6 million tons of wheat export in the 2020/21 crop season, according to USDA data. World wheat imports are predicted to climb by 3.1 percent to 199 million tons in the 2021/22 production season, from 193 million tons in the 2020/21 production season. Consequently, Turkey is expected to be one of the countries with increased imports and exports.
Turkey is a country that can meet its consumption with grain production. Thus, Turkey can easily develop and progress in exports. Furthermore, Turkey continues to achieve great success in the grain industry. There was a remarkable increase in grain exports. In January, exports amounted to 847,853 million dollars. This was an increase of 41.43 percent compared to the same month of the previous year.

The Highest Increase in Product Exports Is in Vegetable Oils
Evaluating the figures regarding the increases on a product basis, Chairman Okutur noted that the record export was in vegetable oils. In January, exports of sugar and sugary products increased by 30.42 percent compared to the same month of the previous year to 47.972 million dollars. Furthermore, exports of pastry products increased by 8.41 percent to 34.973 million dollars. Cocoa products increased by 28.17 percent to 34,815 million dollars. Finally, vegetable oils exports increased by 509.40 percent and amounted to 28. 432 million dollars.
Grain Production in the World
According to USDA projections for the June 2021/22 production season, wheat production accounts for 28 percent of total grain production (2.8 billion tons). Wheat exports account for 41 percent of total grain exports (464 million tons). Global wheat production was 776 million tons in the 2020/21 production season. Based on the forecasted increase in global wheat cultivation area over the previous season, it is expected to increase by 1.7% to 789 million tons in the 2021/22 production season.
In the 2021/22 production season, global wheat yield is expected to rise by 0.9 percent. India, Russia, the EU, China, and the United States account for 54.8% of the world wheat cultivation area as of 2021/22. In fact, these countries account for 65.1% of global wheat production. The world wheat cultivation area was 222 million hectares in the 2020/21 production season. And it is expected to increase by 0.9% to 224 million hectares in the 2021/22 production season.
In keeping with the estimated increase in global wheat output, global wheat ending stocks are expected to rise by 0.1% over the previous season, reaching 295 million tons in the 2021/22 production season. Although there was an increase in production in 2020, world wheat export prices increased by 9.2% compared to the previous season. The production rose to $239/ton as the demand for wheat products increased too much due to the COVID-19 epidemic. According to the first four months of 2021 averages, this growth has continued and has climbed by 18.9% compared to 2020, reaching 284 $/ton.
Turkish Goods Can Provide Top Quality Grains
Turkish Goods aims to provide you with the best quality products that are produced in Turkey. Partnering with a wide range of suppliers, Turkish Goods takes the products from the source and delivers them to every country around the world. With a 600-people team, Turkish Goods offers service in 13 languages, making the entire process easy and effortless. You can contact Turkish Goods to get the best price offer for grains in 48 hours.