Turkey Earned 2.7 Billion Dollars in Agricultural Exports

Turkey continues to make a difference in the field of exports. According to the data announced by the Turkish Exporters Assembly, Turkey increased its exports by 24% in April. With this increase, the figure obtained from foreign sales became 23 billion 363 million dollars. Minister Muş stated that this figure is the highest monthly export figure of all time.
Turkey continues to have increasing success in the agricultural sector in terms of exports. In April, agricultural exports were 2 billion 765 million dollars. It is up 17.6 percent over the previous year’s same month.
Based on the data, it can be concluded that Turkey has improved its agricultural export performance. The influence of innovations and the expansion of Turkey’s network in the export market are two of the reasons behind this.
In light of the geopolitical risks, the sector’s executives are forming new trade networks daily. Turkey’s export diversification is expanding as a result of this.
Agricultural export confirmed its success. According to industry estimates, it held over 2.5 billion dollars in the first four months of the year. Exports in the agricultural sector were recorded as 2 billion 558 million dollars in January. It was 2 billion 773 million dollars in February this year. In addition, 3 billion 30 million dollars of exports were made in March. With 8 billion 374 million dollars, expectations are high from the agricultural sector, which has the largest first-quarter exports in the history of the Republic.
Support to the Agricultural Sector, Success to Export
The share of agricultural exports in Turkey’s total exports in April was 11.8 percent. It is also hoped that with this share, new strategies in the agricultural sector will maintain the stability of success. New regulations that delight manufacturers and suppliers are on the agenda. Recently, the government has stated that it could support the payment of items such as diesel and fertilizer in production. In addition to some support, there is also the provision of fertilizer to the farmer. There is also the possibility for farmers to make due payments following the harvest season. Solving the problems of farmers means increasing production and contributing to exports.
In this way, the production will increase, so the agricultural sector exports will continue to be stable in their success.

Which Sector Is the Export Record Holder for April?
Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and related products continued to lead in April when it came to exports by sector. During this time, the cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and products industry generated foreign sales of 819 million 394 thousand dollars. Moreover, the furniture, paper, and forestry products sector achieved the highest monthly export of all time with 778 million 148 thousand dollars.
Moreover, aquaculture and animal products took their place in the ranking with 383 million and 680 thousand dollars. The fresh fruit and vegetable sector, on the other hand, is one of the most successful export industries, with 210 million 446 thousand dollars.
Furthermore, fruit and vegetable products with 207 million 225 thousand dollars and dried fruits and products with 139 million 387 thousand dollars are listed in the export reports of April.
On a sectoral basis, hazelnut and its products with 126 million 825 thousand dollars and tobacco exports with 52 million 441 thousand dollars entered the list based on the sector. Olive and olive oil with 29 million 744 thousand dollars and ornamental plants with 18 million 96 thousand dollars are among the other export figures.
Which Sector Has the Fastest Increase in April Exports?
9 out of 10 sectors within the agriculture group increased their exports compared to the same period of the previous year. However, the highest increase in exports was realized by the aquaculture and animal products sector with 36.7 percent.
This sector was followed by the furniture, paper, and forestry products with 33.9 percent and fruit and vegetable products with 31.4 percent. The olive and olive oil sector is on the list with 19.8 percent and ornamental plants with 17.4 percent. These sectors were followed by dried fruits and products with 14.4 percent, grains, pulses, oil seeds, and products with 9.3 percent. Fresh fruits and vegetables with 4.5 percent and tobacco with 0.1 percent were at the end of the list.