
Turkey Earned 2 Billion Dollars from Hazelnut Exports

Turkey’s Black Sea coast is extensively covered with hazelnut orchards. Hazelnut orchards are within a 30 km radius of the coast. It starts from Zonguldak in the Western Black Sea and extends eastward along the whole Black Sea.

In Turkey’s hazelnut processing business, there are enterprises that can meet foreign market demands in all aspects. Every stage of hazelnut production is regulated by physical, chemical, and microbiological tests and advanced technologies. In addition to these tests, products are wrapped entirely untouched by these developed enterprises. With expanding research and development studies, especially in recent years, existing product varieties are increasing. Also, their shelf life is extended by being packaged with developing packaging sector products.

Turkey is the World’s Leading Hazelnut Exporter

Turkey is currently the world’s leading exporter of hazelnuts. 90% of hazelnut exports up until the 1980s were made up of shelled and kernelized nuts. Today there are over 28 different types of processed hazelnut products that are delivered around the world. The exports are currently increasing day by day. Up until a few years ago, processed hazelnut products accounted for 27% of total hazelnut exports. However, recently, this percentage has risen to 40%. The vast majority of the remaining hazelnuts are exported as hazelnut kernels.

With a share of around 75% of Turkey’s hazelnut export, European Union nations (Germany, Italy, France, etc), where the major chocolate manufacturing companies are headquartered, receive the highest imports. When hazelnut exports are divided by country, Turkey exports hazelnuts to over 120 different countries. The Far East and Scandinavian countries stand out as potential markets for hazelnuts.

About 2 Billion Dollars of Hazelnut Exports were Made from Turkey

A written statement was made by the Black Sea Hazelnut and Products Exporters’ Association on hazelnut exports. This statement provided information on the quantity and income of hazelnut exports for the 2021-2022 season, which began on September 1, 2021, and ended on August 31, 2022. Turkey exported 340 thousand 147 tons of hazelnuts in a 12-month period. It was recorded that 1 billion 986 million 44 thousand 569 dollars income was obtained from this export.

Germany ranked first in the list of countries that import the most hazelnuts. Italy and France were also in the top 3 in hazelnut imports. Unlike the same period the last year, hazelnuts were also delivered to Venezuela, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, and Mauritania. It was revealed that 60% of the exported hazelnuts were natural hazelnut kernels, with the remaining 40% being processed hazelnut products.

Hazelnut Purchase Prices Announced by Şemsi Bayraktar

The chairman of the Union of Chambers of Agriculture of Turkey (TZOB), Şemsi Bayraktar, examined the most recent changes in the hazelnut market. According to Bayraktar, Turkey is the top producer of hazelnuts in the world, accounting for 62% of production and 61% of exports. He also recalled that 684 thousand tons of hazelnuts were harvested in the country in 2021.

According to reports, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry expects its 2022 hazelnut crop to total 765 thousand 287 tons, with an increase of 12 percent. Bayraktar stated, “The Turkish Grain Board announced the shelled hazelnut purchasing prices for the 2022/2023 season. Prices for Giresun quality were determined to be 53 Turkish Liras per kilogram, 52 Turkish Liras per kilogram for Levant quality, and 51 Turkish Liras per kilogram for Sivri quality.”

Bayraktar demanded that the number of purchasing centers should be increased and that the payments should be made in advance. According to Bayraktar’s statements, the issue of protecting the value of hazelnut was on the agenda. It was also mentioned that the ministries should provide new support models to manufacturers in order to increase efficiency and quality.

Furthermore, Turkey is advancing rapidly to reach its targets in hazelnut export numbers. The export of specially processed hazelnut kernels grows every year as a result of the careful and effective quality control procedures used at every stage of production to meet the expectations of the customers. As a result of developing technologies, hazelnuts, which have boosted their quality and extended their shelf life, are now delivered throughout the world. 

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