Turkey’s Cereal Exports Show Massive Growth by 57.2% in February

Cereal production in Turkey is quite high due to both population growth and high grain consumption. Apart from these situations, due to the effects of the seasons and the environment, Turkey’s quality products are also preferred by foreign countries.
Grain products and all kinds of product groups produced from grain products constitute the grain sector. The delicious pastries you eat, the hot cocoa you drink, the rice you eat, in short, the main products of the food group are available thanks to this sector.
The Covid-19 pandemic and global problems have increased the importance of food security and food supply. Despite the outbreak, Turkey has managed to increase its production in the cereal sector as well as in all sectors. Turkey’s cereal exports increased by 52.7% in February compared to the same period of the previous year.
The fact that the sector has an important share in total exports in Turkey is one of the factors that lead to an increase in investments made. Production companies are taking steps towards becoming export suppliers. Producers, who want to have a say in the journey of cereals by expanding themselves every year, are also trying to increase their product quality in order to expand their production network. Let us examine the cereal exports made in February by Turkey.
Total Exports of Turkey Has Also Increased in February
Turkey’s total exports increased by 25.4% to $20 billion in February. According to the IIB (Istanbul Exporters’ Association) report, the exports of the cereal sector amounted to approximately 969.6 million dollars. Due to its contribution to total exports, the cereals sector is one of the most invested sectors in Turkey.
The contribution of the grain industry to the overall export is due to the fact that we can provide the production portfolio of a whole industry, as we have mentioned before. So, how is the production on the basis of product distributed to the general?
Corn, wheat, oat, barley and rice are the products that produce the most cereals in Turkey. So, in which regions of Turkey do these products grow? Let’s see together.

The Cereals That Are Produced in Turkey
Significant corn farming regions were opened in Central and Central Anatolia, as well as the Aegean, in addition to traditional corn production areas such as the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeastern Anatolia. When looking at the province-based distribution of production, Konya, Adana, and Mardin are in the first place.
Wheat is another cereal that is produced in Turkey. Although wheat is mostly produced in the Central Anatolia Region, its production is also widespread in the Marmara and Southeastern Anatolia Regions.
Oats, which are used both for meals and for animal feed, are grown in Marmara, Aegean and Central Anatolia regions in Turkey. 315.000 tons of oats were produced in 2021, increasing by 6.5% compared to the previous year.
With the exception of the Eastern Black Sea coastlines, barley may be farmed practically wherever. Turkey’s annual barley crop, particularly in Konya and Ankara, can range from 6 million to 9 million tons.
While rice is mostly grown in the Marmara, Black Sea and Aegean regions, Edirne ranks first on a city basis. In 2020, 600.000 tons of rice were produced in Turkey.
Most Cereal Exports Were Made to Iraq in February
By some rate of value and increase, Cuba has recorded an eye-catching ranking. According to the announced data, exports to Cuba increased by 448,213 percent on a value basis, with a record increase.
On the other hand, the Middle East market attracts attention in cereal exports. In February, $211 million worth of exports were made to Iraq, an increase of 132%. The countries with the most exports after Iraq during this period were Syria with $55 million, the United States with $53.5 million, Libya with $37.7 million, and Djibouti with $34 million.
On the basis of cereals and cereal products, there have been quite high data developments. Wheat flour exports increased by 121.31% in February, compared to the same month of the previous year, and climbed to $113,050.
On the basis of product groups, there are not only cereal groups but also sweet products and chocolate products. Record exports were made in sugar and sugary products. Sugar and confectionery product exports increased by 32.96 percent to $49,523 million. Pastry products climbed by 3.36 percent to $41.144 million, cocoa products by 29.43 percent to $36.521 million, and milling products by 134.60 percent to $28,228 million.
Choose Turkish Goods to Access the Highest Quality Cereals
All types of cereal products maintain their quality under appropriate storage conditions. Otherwise, the products will become unusable. Especially in the process of exporting the products, the transportation methods should be considered carefully for each product. The transport conditions of a ship, plane or lorry departing from Turkey must be prepared in accordance with the products.
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