
Leading Countries in Kiwi Exports in the World

Kiwi is a type of fruit belonging to the Actinidiaceae family. This native Chinese fruit is about 5-8 cm in size and has thin and light brown skin. The fruit has rows of small edible black seeds and light green or golden flesh. Kiwi has a unique flavor, sour and sweet, and has a soft texture. 

The roots of the kiwi date back to the 12th century. Until the 20th century, the fruit was grown only in central and eastern China, and commercial cultivation was first established in New Zealand. It was then popularized by American and British soldiers serving in New Zealand during World War II and spread around the world. Today, China and New Zealand remain the leading countries in kiwifruit production and exports.  Italy, Greece, Belgium, Turkey, and Chile follow these countries. In this article, detailed information is given about kiwi production, usage areas, and leading countries in exports. 

Grown Conditions of Kiwi

Kiwi is a fruit that grows under forests and is native to Southeast Asia.  First cultivated only in China, the fruit is now grown in many countries around the world. Especially Mediterranean countries have shown a demand for kiwi cultivation. Although we see the same type of kiwis in markets, grocery stores, and online shopping sites, there are nearly 50 varieties of kiwis.  

Kiwi is a vining plant. Therefore, the soil in which the kiwi grows should be deep and light. Kiwis need rich soil in order to get a good yield. In addition, kiwis are severely damaged by strong winds. Therefore, it is not possible to grow kiwis in a windy area. In addition, kiwi is a fruit that is resistant to cold climates. Indeed, it is not suitable for growing in high temperatures. 

Usage Areas and Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwi is used in salads, desserts and meals because it has an extremely delicious taste. In addition to its interesting flavor, it is often preferred especially in winter months due to its rich vitamin content. Kiwi is a fruit with a high vitamin C content, just like oranges and lemons. For this reason, it is often preferred because it helps to protect the immune system during the cold winter months. 

In addition to all these, kiwi offers benefits in skin health and beauty. The vitamins E and C contained in it have a feature that prevents skin deterioration. In addition, vitamin C contributes to collagen production in the body, giving the skin a healthy appearance. Kiwi also supports the acceleration of the digestive system thanks to the fiber content.  

Top Kiwi Exporting Countries

Interest in the delicious fruit, which has an egg-sized shape, has increased in recent years. Its delicious taste, its health benefits and the increase in its areas of use have also led to an increase in this interest. For this reason, after China and New Zealand, especially Mediterranean countries have turned to kiwi production and exports. 


Turkey is one of the countries that started kiwi cultivation late. However, with the increase in the number of newly established and productive gardens, it is among the most important countries in the world for kiwi production. According to recent data, Turkey’s kiwifruit production is about 64 thousand tons per year. In addition, Turkey’s share of exports has increased 15-fold in the last five years to about 5,000 tons. 

Yalova is the leading city where Turkey produces the most kiwi. Yalova, Bursa, Mersin, and Rize provinces produce about 19 thousand tons. This statistic accounts for about 57.1% of Turkey’s total kiwi production area. There was a significant increase of 32% in kiwi production areas in Turkey in 2020 compared to 2016.

Production of the kiwi has been increasing every year, reaching approximately 89 thousand tons in 2022. In addition, the contribution of kiwi export to the national economy is increasing at the same rate. For 2022, the contribution of kiwi export to the national economy is expected to reach approximately 800 million Turkish liras. 

Turkey’s kiwi production has increased by 67.8% in the last five years. Also, Turkey’s kiwi exports amounted to 4,783 tons in 2020. In the first four months of 2021, Turkey’s kiwifruit exports amounted to 5,185 tons. In addition, Turkey exported the most to Spain with about 1,155 tons. Approximately 935 thousand kilograms of kiwi were exported to Russia, which ranked second. 

New Zealand

New Zealand, the first country to produce kiwi after China, ranks first in kiwi exports. According to 2021 data, New Zealand exported kiwi worth 2 billion dollars. New Zealand’s kiwi exports account for 50.9% of world kiwi exports. New Zealand’s largest importers include EU countries, China, Japan, and Korea. 


In Italy, a Mediterranean country, the demand for kiwi cultivation is quite high. Thanks to the importance given to kiwi production, there has been a significant increase in kiwi exports in the country. In 2021, Italy realized exports worth 559.2 million dollars. Italy’s exports increased by 6% compared to last year. In addition, in 2021, Italy accounted for around 14.3% of world kiwi exports. 


Belgium has been a fast-growing country in kiwi production since 2020. The country is reaping the results of the importance it attaches to kiwi production with exports. According to data from 2021, Belgium exported kiwifruit worth 370.4 million dollars. Belgium’s kiwi exports have increased by 66.8% in the last two years. 


Kiwi production also takes place in Greece, which has similar climates to Italy and Turkey. Greece, one of the leading countries in kiwi exports, exported kiwi worth 231 million dollars in 2021. This export corresponds to 5.9% of world kiwi exports. In addition, Greece increased its kiwi exports by 18% compared to last year. 

Import Wholesale High-Quality Kiwi with Turkish Goods  

Do you want to import delicious and high-quality wholesale kiwi? Turkish Goods supplies you with high-quality kiwi grown in the best conditions, regardless of your location. Within 48 hours with a guarantee of the best offer in the market, importing kiwi in bulk is easy with Turkish Goods. Click here to import wholesale bulk kiwi with the guarantee of Turkish Goods and to get support from our expert team.

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